Tuesday, January 23, 2007



A friend is a rarity, an uncommon and priceless gift. Friendship is talked about as thought that occur mostly but true friendship are few and far between. These thoughts are celebration of friendships and an attempt to unravel the mystery of a friend, when shared may serve to deepen and enrich your own friendship. Friends do live together; there is no recrimination when a friend makes a mistake but only empathy.

Friendship is not a necessity! It is a gift, whoever is in possession of true friend sees the exact counterpart of her own soul. We think we know ourselves, we know our idiosyncrasies, our weaknesses and strengths, we know what makes us tick, what is good and bad about us, we believe we have lived with ourselves all our lives, we know the person who lives within us………. But we don’t that’s why we need friends; they tend to know who we are and are not afraid to introduce us to ourselves.

Friendship are not found; they are made, thank your friend for being within to do the work friendship requires, thank her for making friendship of law and lifetime companionship where lives is being worked out with your words. It is a single soul dwelling in two bodies, God chose our relatives, but we choose our friends, the sincerity of joy and peace comes with the sweet alliance of friendship.

Criticism is welcomed among friends, because friendship makes truth palatable, whenever a friend get separated, it doesn’t really count because whenever they get reunion, they make up for the lost time. Friendship is the testing ground for trust and growth; true friends speak to each other in silence.

Friends always:
Understand intentions
Knows weaknesses and flaws- all of them
Weep at failure and find a way out
Celebrate success

But friends never;
Try fixing you with wrong people
Embarrass you………… at least not when it really matters.

Friendship is the glue that is made stronger by our differences, so friends are more than team mates, school mates, work mates, ship mates or church mates they are SOULMATES. “Friendship is risky” just because of the risk of betrayal, the idea of friendship is worthy but genuine friendship is RARE.

Friendship is nothing like what you see on the television or in movies but rather is complicated but dependable, difficult but worthwhile, demanding but exhilarating, irritating but growth- producing, intrusive but welcoming. It is one of life’s great GIFTS, it is a home for your soul, marriage of the soul infact, the real you- the broken, crooked, irregular you- is safe in the presence of a friend, and when hurt they never had trouble forgiving and forgetting.


Thank God for giving you a friend and keeping an eye over you whenever you are separated from each. In fact, nobody can live without a friend and most especially dies without a friend. It has nothing to do with money, position or status in the sphere of life. True friend is the identity of souls, rare to be found in this world its essence is the courage to be ourselves.

Though, friendship has lots of enemy like race, ethnic difference and political disagreement but the greatest is BUSYNESS, never allow it to stand in the way of friendship. Friends vary from our Mum, Dad, Sisters, Brothers Partners, a good Lawyer, Mother-in-law and God, but we never pray to have our ex Mother-in-law, the Boss that sacked us, People we sack, People who saw us naked(except our partners)as friends.

Even Jesus didn’t make disciples; He made friends who became His disciples, someone that knows you well that if you cancel a program she doesn’t have to ask why, because he will reason along with you, he who seek a friend without fault automatically remains without one. If we live our life with just one good friend, we will die a wealthy person in cash and kind no matter what.

As long as you can love your enemies to live far above their deeds, I think you should treat your friend a little better.

You know!