Thursday, September 20, 2007


Man is what he believes -Anton Chekhov

A belief is any guiding principle, dictum, faith or passion that can provide meaning and direction in life; it is the prearranged, organized filter to our perception in the world.
Beliefs are commanders of the brain, when we congruently believe something is true, it is like delivering a command to our brain as how to represent what is occurring. Beliefs are the compass and maps that guide us towards our goals and give us the surety to know we will get there, therefore as young people belief need become a pertinent cause in our daily lives, if indeed we want to excel.

Without beliefs or the ability to tap into them young people can be totally disempowered, they are like an aeroplane without engine or fuel. With powerful guiding beliefs, young people have the power to take actions and create the world they want to live in by seeing what they want and this energizes them to get it.
For instance, the people who have changed history- Christ, Mohammed, Copernicus, Columbus, Edison, and Einstein etc are people who have successfully changed our belief.

Belief is nothing but a state, an internal representation that governs behaviour, it can be empowering in possibility- a belief that we will succeed in something or achieve something else. It can be disempowering- that we cannot succeed, that our limitations are clear, intractable and overwhelming.

For instance, when i was discussing with Akin of NOVA magazine sometimes ago about the constraints militating against the continuation of this newsletter, using my organization as an example. we both realize that the constraints are enormous in which only the belief that it can be done make it leveled, and now the stopping edge has now become the starting edge again.

Remember, whether we as young people says we can do something or we say we cannot we are right. Both kinds of beliefs have great power to drive our dreams. We must also understand that our beliefs are choices, and as young people we can choose beliefs that support us as or one that can limit us because it is our beliefs that determine how much of our potential we will be able to tap. Imagine when I met with Akin, it could have been devastating if we assume that it cannot be done and it will not have been done but today we have another edition of NOVA newsletter and my organizations GLOBALILO newsletter is out one more time.

Again, beliefs are preformed, pre-organized approaches to perception that filters our communication to ourselves in a consistent manner; however, we need to examine critically where our beliefs emanate from;
(a) Environment- where the cycles of success breeding success and failure breeding failure are played out in relentless fashion. The horror of ghetto life is not the daily frustrations and deprivations, which young people can overcome overtime but the nightmare is the effect it has on our beliefs and dreams. If all we see is failure and despair, it is very hard to form an internal representation that foster success.
(b) Events- there are certain events in every young people’s life that they will never forget. The incessant killings of political stalwarts in Nigeria are events that will forever alter our worldview most especially in the political terrain of this country. Likewise, the little girl that sent a letter to Mr. President concerning organizing parties for children on the Independence Day, which got a consideration among other things, will never forget such an event in a hurry
(c) Knowledge- a direct experience is one form of knowledge, others is gained through reading, seeing movies, viewing the world as it is portrayed by others. It is one of the great ways to break the shackles of a limiting environment. No matter how grim our world is, if we can read about the accomplishment of others, we can create the belief that will allow us to succeed.
(d) Past Results-, the surest way to create a belief that we can do something is to do it once; it is far easier to form the belief that one will succeed again. As I said earlier, when discussing with Akin of NOVA about subsequent editions of NOVA newsletter, it is the belief that we have done it once that sprang up all actions that we could actually do it again successfully and today, both the NOVA and GLOBALILO newsletter are finally out.
(e) Projecting- just as past can change our internal representations and thus what we believe is possible, so can our imagined experience of how we want things to be in the future through the creation of the experience we desire in the future in our minds as if it were here now. I call it experiencing results in advance, when the result we have on ground is not supporting us in being in a powerful and effective state. We can simply create the world the way we want it to be and step into that experience. thereby changing our states, beliefs and actions .after all, Rev Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Center affirms that he always paste the total income he expects every month by his door post of his room and whenever he attains this, changes it with another fat one. The truth is that, it is easier to beat a registered goal because it is what we represent to ourselves about why we are living. we will be always excited , empowered, and be in resourceful state whenever we actualize this vision and this state of excitement is much likely to activate our taking the kinds of consistent actions that will tap our higher potential, than mere existing on the planet earth for no reason. Goals are to motivate us no more any less.
(f) Modeling- this can be described as discovering the sequence of internal representations and behaviours that allows someone to accomplish a task; combination of strategy, beliefs, detailed behavior, skills which can be easily learned by others. Presently, we have loads of models which young people can emulate and weave their beliefs around them, the likes of Fela Durotoye, Rev Sam Adeyemi, Ayo Aderinwale, Gbenga Sesan, Ndidi of LEAP Africa, Nike Essiet and so on.

However, we can get screw up at times. Affirmative beliefs may not guarantee results every time and if anyone tells us that he has the magic formula to guarantee perpetual, flawless success, let us start walking the opposite direction. Because history has shown repeatedly that if people maintain the belief systems that empower them, they will keep coming back with enough action and enough resourcefulness to succeed eventually.

So always belief you CAN.

This came as a result of the discussion with Akin of NOVA magazine at the ICASA 2005 in ABUJA

Monday, September 17, 2007



It is like a river
It keeps flowing
It doesn’t care whether you are happy or sad
Whether you are good or bad
It just keep flowing

Some people go down to the river and cry
Some are happy
But the river doesn’t care
It just keep flowing

A lot of people enjoy and use it
Some jump in it and get drown
Some go to it with a teaspoon
Another with a cup
Another else with a bucket
Yet another with a barrel

Yet it keeps flowing
Flowing in its abundance
Such is the universe
It can support or destroy us
It all depends on what we see.



Discovery is the only key to recovery because you can only recover what you have discovered. It is after discovery that you have the encircling values attached to the recovery. And it is only when the purpose of a thing is known that abuse will never sets in, otherwise abuses is bound to happen.
Discovering YOU- Your Own Uniqueness is an important task in which every individual must set aside certain amount of energy, time and resources to achieve, otherwise one will be prone to abuses i.e. living a purposeless and unfulfilled life. As established in Holy books that we are all wonderfully and fearfully carved out, and out of the world population, YOU makes the difference; no same thumbprint, no same biological and physical features., even identical twins have heir own distinct and unique features, so it will be wise to discover the uniqueness that makes up the YOU- your Own Uniqueness.

7 Keys to Discover YOU

1. Discover your true identity- who you really are, not just what people think you are but an in depth understanding of who you truly are.
2. Know your Purpose on Earth- This needs the wisdom of God because it cannot be done with mortal understanding, seek His face for the utmost revelation of your purpose ion the surface of the Earth.
3. Discover your Natural abilities, Strength and Talents. SWOT analysis could help
4. Discover and Understand your assignment as a unique individual.
5. Know the reasons for your abilities and know your natural habitat-in your natural habitat, everything works perfectly e.g. fish in water never gets tired; a bird also never gets tired of flying. Your natural habitat releases energy to you, there is no boundaries in your natural habitat.
6. Know your true worth
7. Understand the vision for success: seeing thins from God’s Perspective, because its choice and freewill that makes you an identity of God.

In order to open the doors in which you have the keys and gain access to the desired purpose of discovery you need to ask yourself certain questions that will speed up the entrance in to the desired results by less observation but more revelation. These are:
Am I happy with my results?
Would I like to grow doing what I am doing now?
Is what I am doing today, using my natural talent and personality?
Would I like to be the best ever at what I am doing today?
If I lived up till the next 90 years and I could still muscle some strength, would I still like to do then, what I am doing today.?
If Christ were to return today, would He say “Well done Brother and friend, you have accomplished your father’s will”?
What one thing do I need to do or change that would make the greatest positive impact on my life and generation?

After providing answers to the aforementioned questions, then there is a practical approach to the discovering of who you actually are YOU- Your Own Uniqueness. This will further allow God to assist you while you help yourself discover the true YOU:

i. Who is doing something closest to your dreams?
ii. What would you like to be successful doing?
iii. What area would you like to make a positive impact?
iv. What would you like to be remembered for, the most?
v. What mind blowing accomplishment would you like your name to stand for?
vi. What field would you like your name to define?
-Michael Jordan – Basket ball
-Tiger Woods - Golf
- Bill Gates - Computers etc.
vii. What do you do best with least efforts?
viii. What kind of assistance or help do people ask you for most frequently?
ix. In what area, do people show you the greatest regard, respect or accolade?
x. What can you do for fun and still earn you money?
xi. What frustrate you the most when it is poorly done?
xii. Which of all human needs touches your heart most?
xiii. You are the solution but to what problem? Describe a accurately as possible who ahs the problem
xiv. Which discussion or magazine interests you the most?
xv. You would like to win an award for excellence in………………..
xvi. You usually loose track of time when you…………………….

I believe all these attributes give you the idea of who exactly you are and I hope you discover the YOU that is inside of you.

La lumiƩre.