Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This is coming straight to the parents- the older generation, to remind them of their responsibilities as a lamp to show us light in the right direction.This is a few lines to learn from exerpt:

As a parent you should know that your teens need your guidance to help them make the right choices in life and steer them in the right direction. It is up to you to get the rules, enforce the rules and communicate with teens regularly about choices that impact their lives. Every day, teens are faced with multiple decisions, from who to hang out with to whether or not to engage in various activities.

With marijuana (weed or ganja) being the most commonly used drugs among teens, it is important for parents to have an open dialogue and firm rules about marijuana usage and many of the issues that teens encounter. Don’t assume that your teens know or don’t need to be reminded about the risks and negative consequences associated with their actions, particularly when they are bombarded with powerful influences like peer pressure and mixed messages from movies, music (especially when these musicians use weed to feel high before they can perform excellently) and video games.

Today is a good day to remind your teens where you stand. The lines of communication are key, so talk to them. Make your expectations clear – drugs are NOT acceptable. Getting your teens to agree can help then earn your trust, which is something all teens want.

And always remember to keep close tabs on them. They have many influences in their lives and they need you to help them navigate through life and make the right decisions. Know where your teens are and who they’re with. Cell phones have made it easier than ever to just “check in”. This is not saying that you don’t respect their space or don’t trust them. It’s only sending a clear message that you care.

Above all else, you are the number one influence in your teen’s lives so lead by example because your teens are learning from you. Show the teens you love that actions speaks louder than words. Set the rules, Enforce the rules and Talk to your teens about risky behaviours and consequences. Ensure that your teens have a future that is filled with hope and success

And to the smoking –parent folk, there is something called secondhand smoke and it has its own potential danger because inhaling any amount of someone else’s smoke can promote a list of serious health hazards.

These include heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer and other illnesses. Children who include teens are most vulnerable to second hand smoke which contribute to a large extent to bronchitis severe asthma attacks, ear infections, improper lung growth and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Even brief stints around second hand smoke are enough to begin the damaging process that over time can lead to various type of cancer.

To draw the curtain I want to believe that a word is enough for the wise, if you are more than a teenager and has siblings who are still teens, kindly print this out for them, likewise your neighbours with teens in their fold, you could help save a life, a generation and make a deteriorating society sane once more.



fiamma veneta said...

HI! Visit my blog. Have a nice day!

Ibukunolu said...

Hi Imoleayo,

What a masterpiece you put together!

You're young, yet filled with wisdom normally associated with elders. Or how else can one explain a "daughter" teaching parents how to play their God-given roles? Just as you described yourself, you're indeed a talented and dynamic young lady. And just as your name implies, you're indeed a torch bearer to your generation. You have earned my respect and admiration, I doff my hat.

In your leisure, endeavor to visit

Keep soaring!