Tuesday, August 3, 2010

15th August 2008 – 15th January, 2010. – 15months

I could remember that vivid evening in August, when I came to write the employment assessment test. You may wonder why evening but the truth of the matter was that the whole day was used in solving an error made by the Bank PHB Human Resource department concerning the recruitment stage I was.
Very briefly, while working with MOGOC Limited, a construction firm in Bodija Ibadan, I reluctantly wrote Bank PHB test conducted at The Polytechnic Ibadan. I got a text from the bank inviting me to the test venue but was less interested because of previous experience with writing bank test (as you all know!). I was encouraged by my brother to give it a trial, which I obeyed and went for the test. The time for the test was 1pm but I did not enter the hall until 7pm in the evening, very strange you will say!
I met most of my school colleagues at the test venue, for me it was indeed a reunion spot because I was not keen about writing the test. After inefficient screening of text message invitation which of course has been manipulated by enough people and eventually entering the hall admist ranting, I got prepared to do my best and make the day a remarkable one.
Few weeks after, I got a call from a friend Temitope Lawal that I should come to the Bodija branch of Bank PHB to check my name, because I made the interview list. I was still unsure of my feelings whether happy or sad! I later got a text from the bank inviting me for the interview, which I narrowly missed because I was not keen about the banking job.
Funnily, the day of the interview came unnoticed. Only for a colleague of mine (MOGOC) who went to deposit some money with bank PHB who informed me of the huge crowd at the bank, I then check the text on my phone and later checked the calendar for the date. I had no choice than to call my brother and beg him to bring me a suit and shoe to match suitable for an interview because I was not prepared for one just went to work normally.
Expectedly, he brought my belongings and off we went to one of his friends place so that I can change. I had to scoped my boss that I wanted to go and draw money for my brother that was going back to school. (it’s just a white lie). I did two (2) interviews that day and to God’s glory I got a letter for my medical examination which I had to do that same day. It was exhilarating, but I squeezed it all out to accomplish that goal of making the test day remarkable. I had to compensate my brother who carried me through PHB Bodija branch and Ring road and back to the office in Bodija before the close of work. Damola (Dammie), I can’t forget that in a hurry!
Before the week runs out, I had a discussion with my teacher Ayodele Aderinwale MFR and he offered me a job with the new CBN Entrepreneurship Project, it looked exactly like what I really wanted, I was excited about it and I was asked to come for an interview. Accidentally, on that very day I got a text from bank PHB that I should come for another interview, so I was caught in the middle!
I then decided to attend bank PHB interview which was in Ibadan before setting out for Ota, in Ogun State. So that automatically led to my late arrival for the interview.
I got to the Africa Leadership Forum some few minutes to 7.00pm, I was fortunate to meet the Executive Director and his Deputy in the office, though they had already close(there’s no closing time in my organisation, though officially its 6pm). I went to greet him and he was furious at my un- seriousness, he then referred me to his deputy to handle my case because I got him angry already. I went to see my anticipated line manager, the Deputy Director cum Chief of Programmes Dr. Olumide Abimbola Ajayi, who also jokingly scolded me and advised me to go back to the Executive Director to plead with him and explain the reason for coming late.
I went back to his office to explain my ordeal but he only asked me to get started with the test, I was surprised because I never prepared for any test but an interview, I then went back to the Deputy Director for further instructions. He then called Adindu Chukwudi (then a Programme Officer, now a Leadership Specialist with the CBN- EDC project) to place me for the test which was computer based. I started the test at 7pm which lasted for 3 hours. It was supposed to be an exciting opportunity for me, but before I could finish the test, I was dead tired due to the stress and fatigue from the PHB runs and travelling all the way from Ibadan. My impatience invigilator didn’t help matters too.
I finished the test reluctantly, and was faced with the challenge of where to pass the night. How foolish that sounds, I should have planned it before hand but was just too confused about the choked up day. I had to call my mentor and teacher for help, the Executive Director, Ayodele Aderinwale MFR, who had left for his house! He abused me, but later asked me to talk to the Operations Manager of Temperance Hotel (shares the same compound with Africa Leadership Forum), Louis Archibong for a room. And that ultimately solve the problem for that night, I was hopeful as I await the result of my test which will be marked and graded the following morning!
At 9.am the following morning, I left my hotel room for the office complex to receive my verdict. I was not feeling anything that morning but I was confident I will perform above average. I went to meet the Deputy Director, Dr Ajayi who called another staff, the Research Officer, Chijioke Iwuamadi to bring my script upon grading. I checked the script and I saw 82%, I was indifferent maybe because of the bank offer I had initially. He then asked me to go and show the Executive Director my script, I went to his office and he took the script from me and read through it. When he finished he stood up and held my hand and dragged me out to the open office, he was so happy. He called the CEO of Business School of Netherlands, Lere Baale and gave him my script to read, he went ahead to tell anyone who cares to listen about me and how I performed excellently in the test. I was surprised and confused at the same time.
He then called Dr Ajayi to prepare my offer letter, so that I can leave for Ibadan and start preparation for my resumption and relocation to Ota. For me, it looked like a dream but it was real! I went home and discussed with my folks that I will be relocating to Ota, I was posed with the question of whether its what I really want or if I am just taking the offer pending the time PHB will call for training school? But I told them its what I have always wanted and now that I have it, there‘s no going back!
I resumed on a Friday 15th August, 2008 as a Project Assistant for the CBN Entrepreneurship Development Project and moved to the Project Office in Agege, Lagos. I pitched my tent with a friend Azeez Tijani in Abule Egba, where I moved to Agege for work every day. Barely 2 weeks into the job, I got a deployment news from the Deputy Director to move to the Secretariat in Ota, where I was also elevated to a Programme Officer (in position). Again I was emotionless, I felt nothing! I was just settling down, trying to make friends with my colleagues when the redeployment came. But I had no choice and my senior colleagues (Dr Ajayi and Mr. Ojekunle) spoke to me about the opportunities associated with returning to the secretariat in terms of freedom to work and ability to grow my initiatives.
I returned to Ota reluctantly, but with a beautiful attitude to do my best and leave a mark and I resumed immediately as a programme officer with little or no handing over by my invigilator Adindu Chukwudi who was moved to Agege as Admission Officer. With all, I had a programme which I coordinated in 25-30, August 2008, (barely 2 weeks into my resumption in the organisation).
It was a miracle that the programme was a success, although I had few hitches with the Executive Director who has zero tolerance for inefficiency and complacency but generally, it went so well that I was shocked at my ability. And I never knew it was just the beginning for me, as I handled 12 of such programmes from August 2008 till October 2009.
My time with Africa Leadership Forum has been so rewarding, I have met minimum of 450 young leaders within the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria, eminent personalities and unimaginable first class brain in the country. I had the opportunity of working with the super intelligent, dedicated and passionate team; it was indeed an awesome experience!
From Democratic Leadership Training Workshops, to Legislative Internship Programmes, attending UNGC Steering Committee meeting, representing ALF at the Global Compact Local Network, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library Projects, Writing MOUs, Drafting Proposals, Preparing Budgets, Writing Articles, Managing People, project implementation and so on. My 15 months experience in the Organization cannot be over emphasized as I grew immensely in terms of reasoning and ability to take very quick decisions after thorough weighing the consequences of my actions both positively and negatively.
I learnt how not to take a ‘no’ for an answer, and how to solve any problem or challenge in the heat of impossibilities. I was also driven by self motivations and further increased my passion for my work regardless of psaltery emoluments which does not and cannot in any way commensurate with my delivery. I have grown over the months to love my job and be proud of the impact I have made in this generation, though not visible now, but believe me time will tell.
I am grateful to all those who have made my stay in ALF a memorable one, it was indeed a worthwhile expedition. Working with all of you has increased my level of self worth and aspirations, the whole team was incredible, passionate, committed and disciplined. I cannot but appreciate my boss, Ayodele Aderinwale MFR, for his fatherly support and understanding, zero tolerance for misbehaviors and high professionalism. It has indeed shaped my thinking and attitude towards work. Also, to my immediate line manager, Dr Ajayi, you are one in a million. You nurtured my zeal and passion for this work and encouraged me do unbelievable things, it’s amazing when I look back to reflect on all I have done in a short while, thank you sirs for providing the platform.
For Mrs. Ayokanmi, you are cherished, Mr. Adeleke (BSN), knowing you has added value to my life. To my other colleagues: Chijioke Iwuamadi, Mr. Ojekunle Adeoba, Mr. Kunle Somorin, Mrs. Raji, Mr. Yahaya Abubakar, Funke Olasupo, Femi Oyeleye, Mrs. Adeyeye (BSN), Jide Soremi, Gladys Unuigbe, Ronke Akinyokun and all other EDC colleagues Kenny, Ferry, Jerry, Wole, Mrs. Gold, Bayo and other too numerous to mention, I am grateful for the peaceful coexistence during my stay in this organisation. And also to my friend and flat mate Ibraheem Sanusi, please keep fit, this is just the beginning.
Finally, to all who have contributed to my being, I am forever indebted, my folks the Owofadeju(s), Oladiipo(s), Babarimisa(s), Adebayo(s), Adedeji(s), Oyebade(s),Ogowewo(s) and Adeyeri(s), I know being admist you all is never a mistake but for a divine purpose, we shall get there, thank you for your care.
Above all, is to Him the owner of life, You have been so faithful and graceful! Your mercy kept me!

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