Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Historical Timeline


1993 – Primary School Social Prefect+ Health Prefect.
Best Overall Performance pupil @ Ifelodun Nursery & Primary School, Eruwa
Best Pupil in National Common Entrance Examination @ Ibarapa Local Government
1994 – Awarded Scholarship to Nigerian Academy (School for the gifted), Suleja
1997 – Award for the Best student in CRS @ Annual Speech and Prize giving day @ Queens School, Ibadan
1998 – Co- founded Anti-Aids Club @ Queens School Ibadan with support from SWAAN
1998-2000 – Assistant Teachers Girl (SS1-SS3)
1999-2000 – Treasurer, Zonta International Club, Queens School Chapter
Social prefect, Cashuarina House, Queens School Boarding House
Represented the School @ Faculty of Communication and Language Arts (CLA), University of Ibadan 50th Anniversary Celebration


2001– Pioneered Constitution drafting of the Department of management Science with permission from Department of Accounting and management Science, OAU, Ile-Ife
2002- Nominated as a pioneer Senator, Accounting Students’ Representative Assembly (ASRA)
• Co-founded , The Intellectual Group; A youth led NGO aimed at empowering young people for positive developments as VP 2 , Head Bureau of information and Public Relations
2003 – Co-organised World Aids Day Celebration in collaboration with Voluntary Service Overseas participants from Britain in Ogbomoso
• Press Secretary, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Student Union Government
2004: Team Secretary, The Intellectual Group
• Participated in the 4th national Conference on HIV/Aids after conducting several consultative Youth for a
2004-2006 – First 2-terms Female Choir Mistress @Celestial Church of Christ Students Fellowship, LAUTECH Parish
2004 – Co-formed Media Group during the Democratic Leadership Training Workshop of the Africa Leadership Forum
2005: Welfare Officer, Nigerian Delegate to World Youth Festival, Barcelona, Spain
• Volunteered as Secretariat Assistant during AU-Gender Mainstreaming Meeting, 8th Session of Head of Governments, organized by ALF and Femme Africa Solidarite, Geneva.
• Volunteered for Dateline Health Africa as a Correspondence during the 5th International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA)

• Observer, Pre-consultative Meeting and Constitution Drafting of the AU-Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)
• Facilitator In charge of Stores, Digitest ICT Camp Kazaure, Jigawa State organized by Digital peers International.
2006- Graduated as one of the 25 best pioneer student of Management Science in my University.
• Prepared and Presented a Proposal on Youth Advisory Panel for the AU-ECOSCC at the West and Central Africa Regional Consultative Meeting on ECOSOCC and APRM
• Prime mover, AU-ECOSOCC Youth Advisory Panel, at the Africa-Wide Consultative Meeting on APRM, NEPAD, ECOSOCC and MDGS in Ethiopia
2007- Presentation on “Education and Professional Training” at Civil Society Development Forum, Switzerland.
• Presenter, Orientation Broadcasting Servises, Kuru Camp, Jos.
• Volunteer Program Assistant, Regional Parliamentary Committee on Lake Chad Basin
• Team Head, Ecobank Nig Plc Jos Branch NYSC Corp reporting team
2008- Award, Best Corper, NYSC/Ecobank Nig Plc
• State Directors’ recognition, NYSC Plateau State
• Donated 10 computers to NYSC/NACA Unijos Youth Friendly Centre, Naraguta, Jos.
2008-2010 – Worked as program Officer with Africa leadership Forum, and coordinated 8 democratic leadership training workshops with a total of 320 participants across the 6 geopolitical zones; Secondary School Teachers, NYSC Merit Award Winners, Female Doctors Group, CSO Organisations, General Public Group etc. and 4 Legislative internship program across the 36 states houses of assembly including the Senate and house of reps
• Rappourteur at the UNGC/UNODC/WBI regional Meeting on fighting corruption through collective action
• Team member, technical team in charge of the Inaugural Essay Competition on Youth and Human Security and High Level Technical Meeting on Afforestation in Africa and Climate Change of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library.
• Reviewer; 2010, University of Washington, Foster Business School Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition
• Reviewer, 2010 Atlas Corps Fellowship, Atlas Corps Inc.
• Facilitated Partnership between Africa Leadership Forum and University of Washington on Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition
• Volunteer Rapporteur; Commonwealth Youth Caucus Meeting
• Working as Ass. Project Officer-Nigeria for the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program.

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