Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The surest way to get discouraged is to compare yourself with others. Don’t compare yourself (Gal 6:4)because some people will look like they are doing a better job and you will get disheartened, while others won’t be as effective and you will become proud. Concentrate on doing your best (2 Timothy 2:15). That way you will get satisfaction of a job well done and you won’t need to compare yourself. All the apples on a tree don’t ripen at the same time. Paul says ‘knowledge and understanding’ take time (Phil 1:9-10). It can take years and many successes in any new area before we can confidently say to ourselves and others. I am…. What God has called me to do.
Don’t wait until you are successful….start now by saying you are what you want to become…Yes you’ve much to learn…and you may not be an expert…. But you don’t have to be, to say those two little words I am.
Remember God uses crooked sticks to draw straight lines and imperfect people to do His perfect will. So, push ahead, cut yourself some slack, and remember you are a W.I.P a work-in-progress!

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